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DEVONshots.com Blography [The ramblings of a passionate photographer]

The ramblings of a passionate photographer, on location and everything in between!
Some posts from old DEVONshots.com where the rambling started way back in 2007!


Looking forward to some snow on Dartmoor.

November 23, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

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Looking forward to conditions similar to these from a few years ago, just enough snow but not too much to allow access onto the high moor.

This shot of Nuns Cross at Nuns Cross Farm is near to Princetown where it pretty much always snows first.

The conditions can change very quickly so you also need to think about your plans very carefully to avoid getting trapped in your vehicle on the moor as the roads become impassable.

A great location to visit anytime of the year, having shot the farm previously in moonlight, it is not to difficult to get to but it does involve a short walk along a path.

I once sold a print to a lady who claimed her grandmother was born in this remote farmhouse, this building is now a hostel that can be rented for group stays from DNP.

A cross is thought to have existed here since 1240 and a fantastic historical reference to Nuns Cross or Crux Siwardi Cross can be found on the Legendary Dartmoor Website, follow this link to read more on their website.

editing a 10 year old shot on the latest Photoshop.

November 22, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

A 10 year old shot, almost to the day and first blog post for sometime.

Shot with my old Nikon D300 using my Nikkor 14-24mm lens, both of which I still have, but tend to use my D800E now, which itself has been replaced twice over now.

I have been back here many times since, but unusually without the DSLR mainly for walks across Armyr Cove.

Two wonderful beaches that are fairly easy to get to, I would recommend stopping at the National Trust car park at Ringmore and walking down to Armyr Cove and across to Westcombe if you wish but that does include a fairly steep ascent/descent.

We visited both beached just yesterday and when I got back home thought I would check my back-catalog of images to see what I had shot before.
I hardly ever delete any shot, I even have shots from my very old Nikon D80, but that body has been passed on.

Both Beaches very much worth a visit with or without a camera.

Westcombe BeachWestcombe BeachThe otherworldy Westcombe Beach on South Devon coast.

Second shot below is of Armyr Cove.

The CoveThe CoveA fantastic cove on the South Devon coast.

Striking rock formations on the beach.
I liked how the cloud followed the profile of the large rock on the beach.

Autumn Swirl.

November 14, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Autumn WhirlpoolAutumn WhirlpoolA long exposure captures 2 swirls beneath autumnal trees.

A long exposure captures 2 swirls beneath autumnal trees. One of my last shots of Autumn 2015.

River Dart

November 01, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

River DartRiver Dart as it passes through Hembury Woods.

River Dart as it passes through Hembury Woods near Buckfastleigh.

New autumn promo video.

October 18, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Primarily a bit of fun but this short video is a brief introduction to devonshots.com.

Random Ramblings

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